
Shweshwe-skirt: sewing instructions

How to sew a Shweshwe-skirt with 4 shweshwe-material-coupons:


Material: 4 Shweshwe fabric coupons (each 33cmx85cm), elastic waistIMG_0476_clipped_rev_1IMG_0477_clipped_rev_1

  1. Take hip measurements
  2. Halve coupons 3 and 4 lengthways


  1. Front skirt: Sew fabric coupon 1,3A, 4A lengthwise right to right
  2.  Back: Sew fabric coupon 2 and 3B and 4B together as well


  1. Sew on small flounces (2.5cm length) at the seams (iron in beforehand!) By ironing the upper fabric 2.5cm from the seam and sew the pleats again at the seam.
  2. Iron the front and back skirt once
  3. Sew a 2.5cm hem on each side of the skirt (front and back)
  4. put skirt sides right to right
  5. Cut to body measurements and sew right to right front and back together.IMG_1501

    10. Sew on the loop at the top and pull in the rubber band, sewing on the waist width

Have fun!

Judith Singer